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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hot enough for ya?

In Oklahoma we love to talk about the weather. And we are tough critics.
If it's dry we need rain. If it rains we just want to see some sunshine. The sun comes out and we're sure it's too darned hot.
OK right now it's approaching too darned hot. Fun to joke about, but the heat can be too much for some of our area residents.
Keep an eye on your neighbors, family and friends. Heat takes a greater toll on youngsters and older folks. The economic crunch has most people cutting down and cutting back.
Despite a triple-digit heat index ushering in summer, some people may not be running air conditioning because they feel they can't afford the electric bill.
There is help available. Check with the local Red Cross office. They are aware of programs.
Those who can't afford cool during our hot afternoons can borrow cool elsewhere. Why not choose the hottest part of the day to pick up groceries in a cool supermarket or browse retail shelves?
Stillwater's public library is stocked with books and other resources and can be a cool place to be in summer.
Check out other city services and centers. Get out, cool off and reap the benefit of your tax dollars.
Know someone who needs some cool? Give them a ride.